Monday, September 27, 2010

Personal Narrative of the weeks 9/27/10

                                         Personal Narrative of the Six weeks

             Throughout this six week period I and my classmates have done all sorts of work. First we started from the Stone age ton the ,Netholic age and finally to the Bronzeage or the New age.
              The stone age consists of  cave man they made most of their weapons from stone such as stone knifes most of their travel was made by foot. why? Well because they were nomadic meaning they moved as their food source moved. The only way they got fire was by letting thunder strike and getting the fire were the lightning striked at. Sometimes they did not get the fire, because it was to large to get. In the Netholic period they also used stone tools ,but they the also learned how to make cups and bowls they also got to tame the first animal the man's best friend the dog, and also they also started to learn how to sow meaning that they started to think about appearance.Their religion also started to evolve they made mounds and burried the dead with items such sa food and weapons this meaning that they started thinking of after life. The bronze age people started making Bronze which consists of two main metals tin and copper this metal was much stronger and resistent.
              We also learned about the Egyptians their empire began about 3500 BC and lasted to 20BC when it was invaded  by the Roman Empire. The Egyptian empire was formed by the Nile river . The Egyptians also created Hierogliphics a type of writing. They also built big temples for their many gods,and tombs for their rulers.They built The Great Pyramids as well as the Great Sphinx  of Giza and Khafre's pyramids.The Great Pyramids were built for Khafra and Menkaura and Khufu.
 In the final two weeks we learned about the persian empire the Persian Empire was formed by Cyrus the Great. Under cyrus's rule he conquered most of modern Asia. He conquered the Babylonians, Assyrians, Phoenicians and the Lydians. Greek states fought the empire which was under the rule of Darius who then ruled Persia and Xerxes Who also ruled Persia. The Persian Empire will fall under Xerxes son Artaxerxes he lost the war against Greece. Also the rulers were best known for being just  when conquering a land he paid the slaves he got by conquering the land. The Persians were also great known forb their great Architectural  project like bridges and also for their sewage system in the public bath.   
     So I am hoping the rest of the year will be as interesting as the 1st six weeks have been.    

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