Wednesday, May 25, 2011

6 weeks narrative

well this is the last thing i am going to write in here because its the last 6 weeks.well trogh out this year i have notice 1st that if you cheat you will get caught. people learn from their mistakes and i am one of those persons. This year we did all soerts of fun activities such as the scavenger hunt.which was cool in its own way.this year will be remmembered for sure. those who passed and those who failed knew what they were doing they just did not how important it was those who faile. i was so amazed in the fact that igf we got a 2500 we got 30 points on the blog that was preety cool.remember when jonathans papers were in my binder and you said i had to prove my self to you.well i scored a little more than a 2400 on TAKS which i thought was good even though i thought i could do better.well this is farewell or goodbye but i know your teaching will be thre.i dont worry much but i am hoping i pass the ACP for your classs. and sure alll my othr classes. have a great summer and peace...........

PS i know i passed my other classes

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